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He Medical Clinic

Increase in HIV Infections Among University Students in Malaysia

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According to the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM), the number of university students in Malaysia infected with HIV has increased by nearly 24 percent over the past three years. Previously, the primary factors contributing to the rise in HIV cases were attributed to promiscuous sexual activities among adults and needle-sharing among drug addicts.

However, the situation has changed. The erosion of moral and sexual values is now a significant contributor to the rising HIV infection rates among university students. The influence of pornography, casual social interactions, lack of sex education, and unconventional relationships are among the root causes of this issue. We are now witnessing online prostitution activities through platforms such as DS, OnlyFans, WeChat, and Michat involving university students.

Some university students earn thousands of ringgits monthly by selling their dignity on social media. Some are involved in casual homosexual activities, while others engage in premarital sex as early as ten years old. These behaviours contribute to the increasing HIV cases among university students. The allure of easy money, youthful desires, and the urge to experiment with new things lead them to promiscuous sex and online prostitution. The solution to this problem lies in empowering sex and moral education and controlling access to websites that promote unhealthy sexual activities. Comprehensive sex education can provide accurate knowledge about the risks and prevention methods for HIV transmission. Additionally, moral education helps instil positive values among students. Regulating access to inappropriate websites can reduce the negative influences on students.

Finally, early HIV/AIDS screening, recommended by experts starting at the age of 16, is an excellent approach to addressing this issue. Early screening allows those infected to receive treatment sooner, reducing the risk of spreading the virus to others. It also raises awareness about HIV/AIDS among teenagers, fostering a sense of responsibility in maintaining their health and the health of others

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Resident Physician
MBBCh Zagazig University,
Cert. MSKUS Pain
Men’s Health Cert (Singapore)


Farhana Abdul Kadir. (2024, July 22). Peningkatan kes HIV seiring kejatuhan moral anak muda. Sinar Harian.

Ridzuan Abu Hasan. (2024, July 21). Kes HIV di universiti: Bendera merah, turunkan had usia saringan 16 tahun. Sinar Harian.
