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He Medical Clinic

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Priapus Shot (P-Shots) in Malaysia: Enhance Performance and Vitality

P-SHOTS is the revolutionised treatment to repair damage tissue and improve penile blood flow thus helping it to:

  • Stronger ErectionYour erection will be harder by improving the blood flow
  • Longer Erection: Better blood flow and higher blood pressure on the area makes the penis has longer erection than usual
  • Delay Ejaculation: Longer time with more fun.
  • Increase pleasureRestored feeling and sensation and make it more enjoyable
  • Treat Erectile dysfunctionOne of the treatment to help solve erectile dysfunction
  • Enlarging PenisMaking the penis to become bigger due to fluid in the blood and releases of platelet in the penis.

The two main types of Ejaculatory Disorders

Are you suffering from Erection Issue ? Do you have soft erection? Or you just can’t keep your erection longer in bed? All these scenarios can be frustrating for men and can seriously affect your sexual life! 

With the right solution, you can enhance your libido and get better and stronger erections to go longer in bed. With the p-shots for stronger erection you can make your sex life fulfilling and pleasurable. The procedure is effective and painless to give you what you were looking for!

Book an appointment with our Experience Doctors and know more on how P-shots can help in enhancing penile performance

Why PRP Injections?

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Effective and Safe

No side effects as well as no downtime!

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No Side Effect

Using your own blood to extract PRP makes it very safe, 0% rejection rate and organic

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Stronger Erections

Patient "last longer." Sometimes saying they could "go all night long"

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Noticeably Larger

Patient have reported not only an increased in length but also increased girth

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Improvement of Peyronie's Disease

Peyronie's Disease (curved erection) is caused by scar tissue

How It Is Done?

The P-SHOTS is an innovative procedure that uses Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) injections to stimulate increased blood flow and new cell growth. Here how it is done

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1. Blood is drawn out

30-60ml of blood drawn from patient's arm. The blood then will be mixed with platelet activator

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2. Spin in a Specialised Centrifudge Machine

The blood is then placed in the centrifudge machine. The centridudge will spins and seperate the platelet from the rest of the blood component

p shots, prp for men

3. PRP is then extracted

5-6ml of PRP will be separated from the tube

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4. Specialised Anaestethic Cream

A special extra strength topical numbing cream ensures that the procedure is painless

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5. Administration of PRP

A small needle is used to distribute the platlet rich plasma throughout the penis

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How long does the procedure take?

The entire session takes about 30-40 minutes

How many sessions are required?

Once a month for 3 sessions


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Premature Ejaculation

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Penile Enlargement

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Peyronie's Disease

FAQs on P-Shots

Typically for each session we will extract 30ml of patients blood which we will able to extract around 1ml of PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma) mix with 5ml of PPP(Platlet Poor Plasma).

In suitablet individuals or cases, we may also extract up to 90-120ml of blood so we could extract higher PRP concentrations (3-4times higher).

Higher Concentrations = Better Outcome!

This is a safe procedure for all individuals

Staying well hydrated in the day and take light meal before the procedure

Patients need not worry about any prior preperation for PRP! No prior fasting required, only to be present for the doctor to perform the therapy on.

There may be temporary, mild pain related to the injection site. However since PRP procedure contains substances that come from your own body – this reduces the risk of allergic reactions as compared to injecting using medications
